Iznik Border Tile

Iznik Border Tile

Ottoman Turkey, Late 16th century
Fritware with underglaze decoration
27.5cm high, 21cm wide
Stock no.: A5686

+44 (0)20 7937 4422

Iznik Border Tile


The larger section of this Iznik border tile is comprised of interlocking scrolling arabesques, highlighted with turquoise and red, against a deep blue background. The smaller section is decorated with a carnation, a tulip, and saz leaves against a red ground, all of which are typical of the period 1560-1580.1 The use of red dates this piece to after 1550, when Iznik potters discovered a type of slip which turned red when fired.

1 Hitzel, Fréderic and Jacotin, Mireille. Iznik: L’aventure d’une collection. Paris: Éditions de la Réunion des musées nationaux, 2005. Pp. 119, 133.

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